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how we act

It is understood that business management is a way of organizing the institution's processes, including financial administration, human resources, infrastructure, in short, all the resources necessary for the company to grow and achieve greater and better results.


In an increasingly competitive, dynamic and constantly changing market, good business management is essential so that guidelines and decisions are made faster and more assertive, thus standing out from the competition and overcoming market instabilities.


Mosaic Consultoria has its own methodology focused on business management and therefore our focus is not on its final product, but on how it is produced and marketed. Although our methodology is unique and applicable in any organization, regardless of its sector or size, it must be customized according to your business needs.


Our work is divided into 4 stages: commercial, diagnosis, design and perpetuation. These steps will be detailed below:

Commercial: this is the first stage, in which Mosaic Consultoria goes into your business in order to present a little more about our company, in addition to getting to know your business and showing how we can help you. 

Diagnosis:  the diagnostic step is one of Mosaic's great differentials. Without any financial commitment established, a diagnosis is carried out, with an average duration of three weeks, by a team of on-site specialists. At this time, all current and historical information about your business will be collected so that we can obtain a clear view of your organization's situation and what are the opportunities for improvement. With all the studies, analyzes and projections, project proposals will be presented in which the return will be guaranteed during the work and even if it is in the client's interest, we assume part of the project risk, earning only a percentage per result obtained above the promised .

Some items will be analyzed such as: short and long-term indebtedness, operating result, fixed and variable costs, expenses, breakeven point, financial potential, pricing, sales portfolio by seller, inactivity, regularity, frequency, market analysis, survey of processes, studies and group monitoring, layout study, productivity, stock accuracy, personnel study that considers more than 70 items such as motivation, leadership profile and others.

Project: the partnership between Mosaic and the client is signed, at this stage the Mosaic Methodology is applied by a body of experts and personalized for the business according to the needs identified in the diagnosis, always following the results and the return generated during this process. stage.


In this phase, the Mosaic team works together with the company's employees so that when the work is finished, the organization continues with the implemented management. For this, during this period, training and qualifications are carried out according to the needs found. 

Perpetuation: Upon completion of the project and delivery of the promised results, all materials necessary for the continuation of the implemented management will be delivered, such as manuals, training (in addition to those applied in the previous stage) and follow-up to ensure the continuation of the good works.

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